The process normally takes time, often much more than a week but feeling it was absolutely necessary to expedite things President Scott did all he could to get things moving along quickly. In what can only be described (by my limited mind) as an LDS equivalent to a Hail Marry play the new Bishop was approved before the end of the week. So within a weeks time Paso Robles First received a new Bishop and Kevin was released from is post. President Scott and Kunz came up to our place to visit with and release Kevin.

At this point Kevin was not doing well at all. Friday as you have likely already read here, he had a bone marrow biopsy and it is still some time before we will have those results. What you may not know is that upon arriving back home he was too week to go upstairs to his room and spent the next three days sleeping on the family room sofa. He was suffering from continual, nausea that got worse when he moved or got up. He had eaten nothing and had very little to drink having constant dry heaves. He was able to sit up and visit a short while when President Scott and Kunz came by as well as Mark, now Bishop Goforth and his wife Sherri later that evening.

They discovered that his blood had a high calcium content, that it was leaching from his bones, and that he needed immediate treatment to filter out the calcium and clean up his blood-flow. The nearest machine that is capable of doing this is in San Francisco and so he is being flown via helicopter up to the UCSF Medical Center to have that done asap. He's on his way as I type this up. It turns out that his cancer is mutating and multiplying rapidly and this seems to be the direct cause of his current state of health. Hillary and Dale will be driving up shortly to be with him while I (Darrell) hold the fort here and do what I can on the home-front until the time that I may be called to go up there as well, should I be needed.
In the meantime I will be doing my best to keep you all informed as things progress. It is quite possible that I will be updating the blog with additional information as it comes in later today.
Because his blood is so thick he is at high risk for heart attack and other circulatory system problems. Before he gets to San Francisco he will be given something to help thin his blood out to reduce the risk of such an occurrence. He will also be starting his chemo treatment today, even before we have the solid test results from his Friday biopsies. This is, as you can imagine a very serious situation and his life is in immediate risk from any number of potential complications. We thank you all so much for your support and prayers.
Our prayers are with you Kevin and the family. Get well!! We love you!
ReplyDeleteRon and Mary Hysell
Thank you for keeping us up to date on how Kevin is doing. We immediatly knelt down for a family prayer upon getting this information and you, your family and Kevin are in our thoughts constantly.
ReplyDeleteBrett King and family
We love you guys and are thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the update. I wish there were something that we could to help. We love you all and are wishing only the best.
ReplyDeleteDearest, dear family -
ReplyDeletePraying all the time. Love, Norma
thinking of you guys. thank you for doing such a good job keeping everyone up to date. love you!
ReplyDeletejen and justin
Thank you for putting this together to keep us all updated on your Dad's condition. Please send him our love and prayers.
ReplyDeleteAm hoping this is an answer to prayers to get things started faster than the original plan. Other wise Kev would still be in a holding plan. Love to you all with continued prayers.
ReplyDeleteWe are all praying for you guys. Thanks for the update. Tell Kevin we love him. Our love to you all tonight. Kirk and Robin
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting those great photos that show Kevin just the way I think of him. So serious. Only you could handle this with humor. I love you all and our whole family is pulling for you!
ReplyDeleteJeni and I are fasting and praying on our knees for a miracle. We love Bishop and his family so much! Thank you for keeping us informed. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for the Bishop or his family, anything.
ReplyDeleteRichards--we are thinking of you & praying fervently for you. We love you. Jenn & Adam & co.
ReplyDeleteWe hope to be able to visit Kevin while at UCSF! Our prayers are with you guys. ♥
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update. The pictures are wonderful- it is so good to see Uncle Kevin smiling and still himself as he faces all this. Please give your family our love.