Monday, February 22, 2010

The Words 'Thank you' Seem So Inadequate

I keep forgetting to thank all those who supported the car wash fundraiser for us that went out of business before anyone could redeem their coupons.  A refund was offered but everyone chose to make it a donation and forget about the car washes they missed out on.  To all of you a BIG THANK YOU!  There have been so many kindnesses extended to us, we will be eternally grateful.

Also I wish to thank the sneaky someone who stealthily slipped and envelope with a lot of cash into my purse while I was in the Primary room and my purse was sitting right next to my son who completely missed the drop.  I've asked several people who were present at the time and nobody has 'fessed up to the thoughtful prank.  Really, you are all so wonderful, my cup is still running over at the generosity of all of you.  Another REALLY BIG THANK YOU!

I also wish to thank all of you who have donated through the Firm Foundation.  For the most part I don't know who you are, because TerryLynn won't tell me!  She says the people who donated through the Foundation may wish to remain anonymous and that she has sent thank you's to all.  She probably doesn't want me to know how much they put in!  ENDLESS THANK YOU'S TO ONE AND ALL!  We are so blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family in our lives.  I could spend the rest of my life on my knees trying to thank the Lord for all that has been given to us and that would not be enough. Love, Dale


1 comment:

  1. I've often thought that "Thank you" just didn't convey my feelings in certain situations. I know how you feel. Love you so much!
