Poor young Spencer, our 8 year old nephew dealing with Rhabdomyosarcoma, was confined to a private room in Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. He was fighting an infection with a persistent fever and was stuck there almost another week.
This was the first and only time Kevin & I got to see him since he was diagnosed Feb. 2nd. of this year. |
He's a real trooper. He wanted to see us, but he was fighting to stay awake and won that battle which wasn't easy since he was heavily medicated. Thank heaven for the mask! | |
Cousin Hillary was able to visit him in April when she flew out to visit as well as with us this trip. I think he starts another round of in hospital chemo tomorrow.
After visiting Spencer we went to Becky & Roger's to celebrate her good news. Her Hodgkin's Lymphoma is officially in remission, she is cancer free! | | |
Roger, Hillary, Becky, Aida, Kevin, & Dale |
One of a thousand Aida faces! She's a poser... |
My favorite, 'The Lip' |
Becky made 'Cancer Sucks' cookies for us all. Taking a chunk out of cancer one bite at a time! |
Jessica & Adam Richards, expecting their first child, Josh & Tara Richards, expecting their sixth child! Our nephews & their beautiful wives... |
Ike, Uncle Kevin, Sophie, Aida, Grandma Susie- Becky's mother & our sister-in-law, and a really awful pic of me... |
'Help, I'm stuck between the slats of this chair!' Not to let a Kodak moment go to waste, pictures first, rescue after. This is Ian, Josh & Tara's youngest. What a precious face... |
Hillary playing with Josh's kids making faces. This is the incomparable Sophie! |
Ike and Hillary, so sweet! |
Ike, Hillary and Cassidy. Their mother is a beautiful red head, can you tell? |
Jacob, Hillary & Ian |
Good eats as always! We are so blessed to have such wonderful nieces and nephews. They are such good examples to me. They are the best! And they are raising very good children...
Kevin's brother Brian & his wife Jill treated us to a piano concert featuring Jon Schmidt. He is an incredibly talented artist who takes everything from classics to classic rock to rap and makes it his own Very entertaining and funny too! It was great! Who can't use a little more culture? |
Great aunt Dale introducing Evelyn to bubbles. She is Brian & Jill's first grandchild, the daughter of Laura and Caleb Yancy. |
Kevin's brother Jeff and his wife Mandy took us to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. Hillary finally meets someone who has feet bigger than hers! |
I think some acting lessons are in order! I've heard that if you don't move, they can't see you... |
Cousin Rachel caught by surprise. These are real bones and you just can't appreciate how huge they really are. This was a very cool museum. It's the largest collection of dinosaurs in the world. |
Jeff treated us to dinner at the cafe there and after Kevin insisted on ice-cream all around! | |
Kevin, Jeff, Rachel, Mandy, Dale and our very patient and adorable server!
We went to visit Holly's father, OK Hemsath and his wife Suzi Saturday night. The guys went to General Priesthood meeting and we all had a great visit. So enjoyable in fact that even Hillary didn't take any photos. We will try to get one from Holly to post later. It was great to see them.
Mandy, a fabulous cook, prepared a delicious meal of marinated grilled chicken, scalloped potatoes, and a unique grilled romaine salad topped with caramelized onions, blue cheese and balsamic & Dijon vinaigrette. To die for! Yum.... |
For desert, Mandy made from scratch, the most delicious Key Lime Pie I've ever eaten. I'll never order it again Mandy! |
Somewhere over the rainbow is home! It rained a bit through Utah on our way home. Hillary took this through the car window! We had a great visit but it's nice to be home again. |
CYCLOPS! Kevin had his first cataract surgery on Monday and is already seeing very well. He has the beginning of one in his other eye that he will have fixed when it gets a little worse. | |
A day after surgery and the eye is still dilated! |
Sorry to all of you we didn't get pictures of, we were just having too much fun visiting with you! We had a wonderful visit with our Colorado and Utah families. Thank you to all for your hospitality and generosity. We love you! Dale
We loved spending time with you! We always look forward to your visits. Kevin, you are looking so great, and Dale & Hilary you are so beautiful, as always! Thank you for such a nice evening! Love the pictures. We love you!! Tara
ReplyDeleteIt was fun to see ya!