There were more people there than I expected. Opening ceremony was at 9am Sat. Closing was at 9 am Sun. Though I couldn't stay, many stayed all day and all night. Many groups had booths with various items to sell to raise money, and others just had lemonade or cookies or other treats for those that participated. On Sat. morning, before the opening ceremony, they had a breakfast for the survivors. All of the food donated. For dinner Sat. night, a chicken bbq with beans, bread and various drinks for any and all participants. Anyone who walked, or even raised a dollar, was welcome to eat and visit. I believe they fed about 2k meals, according to the bbq crew, though around 4k participated throughout the 24 hrs. It was a beautiful day and setting.
 There were about 250 for the 1st lap, which as you can see, is all purple survivor shirts. I'm in the back, with the purple shirt. There were several children in the group, which reminded me of my 9 yr. old great nephew Spencer, who just got the all clear from his rhabdomyosarcoma. There were a few young adult that reminded me of my niece Becky, who recently got the all clear on her non-Hodgkins lymphoma. It was a wonderful experience to see so many in the community involved in this cause. It also gave me a opportunity to personally thank many people in the community that donated to my cause and sent many cards, notes, and well wishes my way. I was too tired to stay for the luminaria lighting at 8. They are lit to light the way around the track for those that walk at night. They are dedicated to those that have not been as fortunate as those in the purple shirts. I dedicated my walk, and luminaria, to my father, nephew Steven, friends Ron Hogeland, Frank Connolly, and Roger Poulton, and my doctors who continue to care, and to all of you, whose prayers and faith have brought me another birthday and opportunity to serve God's children. | | | | | | |